Michael Bond
Michael Bond

Michael Bond is an Australian abstract artist whose work is inspired by his emotion and how he sees the world around him. His work is often described as dreamlike or ethereal,  feminine and masculine at the same time, it has the ability of evoking a sense of emotion in the viewer.

Michael is a self taught artist which has allowed him to explore his style without the constraints of tradition or conformity.  His inspiration comes in many forms, from the beautiful landscape around his beachside home to a memory or feeling that comes to mind. His exquisite and bold abstract paintings are often described as possessing a dream-like and mystical quality, his paintings are rich in colour and movement.

Painting for Michael is an outlet for emotional and physical expression. Building upon a blank canvas with an array of textures and layers, the background becomes a calm place for the ensuing eruption of colour. Powdery, smoke-like pastels transition into areas of more concentrated colour, forming compositions reminiscent of the cosmos or abstracted floral bouquets.